Bungoma Maize Report Quarter 1 2023


bWho Is Buying Maize in Bungoma  ?

We have removed the guess work of where to sell the maize. The question should be is it profitable to sell maize in the county?

We have calculated for you the profit margins for 28MTs of maize in the most profitable counties.

Why?  Farmers and traders do not often calculate the costs associated with selling maize especially within the county as well as outside the county.

We provided guidance on how much to sell your maize, and caution you on risks and mistakes to avoid. The monetary value of risks eliminated far out weights the highly subsided price of the report.

Kindly note the report is strictly on Pre-Order meaning you will need to pay for the report for it to be curated and made available for you online.

Available on backorder


We have removed the guess work of where to sell the maize, by providing you with a list of large buyers,  We have calculated for you the profit margins for 28MTs of maize in the most profitable counties.  As well as listed the business opportunity values in both Kenya Shillings  and United States Dollars when selling within the county and across counties, both in tables and charts.  We provided guidance on how much to sell your maize, and caution you on risks and mistakes to avoid.  The monetary value of risks eliminated far out weights the highly subsided price of the report.

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