Mtama (Red Sorghum) Flour


Mtama (Sorghum) Flour mostly used for breakfast porridge, there are two types of sorghum flour, red and white (gardam) sorghum flour.  Sorghum flour can also be mixed with unshifted whole meal maize flour to add fiber in ugali for  diabetic and high blood pressure patients.  Mtama, Mawele, and Millet is also a very popular traditional combination for Ugali in Western Kenya.

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Mtama (Sorghum) Flour mostly used for breakfast porridge, there are two types of sorghum flour, red and white (gardam) sorghum flour.  Sorghum flour can also be mixed with unshifted whole meal maize flour to add fiber in ugali for  diabetic and high blood pressure patients.  Mtama, Mawele, and Millet is also a very popular traditional combination for Ugali in Western Kenya.